Hourly Summer Rates (April 1st - Oct 1st):
Weekday Bookings (M-Th): $30/Hr
Weekend Bookings (F-Su): $50/Hour
Hourly Summer Rates (April 1st - Oct 1st):
Weekday Bookings (M-Th): $40/Hr
Weekend Bookings (F-Su): $60/Hour
You can play up to 6 players per bay.
If you are playing STROKE-PLAY:
1 Person = 1 Hour (18 Holes)
2 People = 2 Hours (18 Holes)
If you are playing SCRAMBLE:
2 Person Scramble = 1 Hour (18 Holes)
4 Person Scramble = 2 Hours (18 Holes)
What Are the Course & Format Options?
Our Foresight-GSpro technology has over 300+ courses, including famous ones around the globe (including St.Andrews, Pebble Beach, Paynes Valley, etc.)
You can set up a stroke-play, scramble, or match-play format. With any combinations of teams/players up to 6 players.
Does the Sim have a Practice Range?
Yes! Our simulators range has the capabilities to give you real-time & VERY accurate club data as well! With over 20 different KEY data points, you can use our stickers to place on your club to reveal even more data points to help you hoan in your game.
There are also other practice/game-modes that are super fun & effective - our staff would be happy to show you :)
No. BUT, we offer BYOB :) and don't mind if you bring in your own food!
We do have complimentary water. Also, you can purchase delicious or protein-shakes out of our fridge!
Yes. We have complimentary clubs you can choose to use!